13 marzo, 2025

El jueves 6 en el Cine Gaumont se estrena los largometrajes Trenque Lauquen, un drama de suspenso dirigido por Laura Citarella, ganador del Primer Premio del Fondo Nacional de las Artes al Mejor Guion en 2018; Me encontrarás en lo profundo del abismo, largometraje de ciencia ficción y suspenso dirigido por Matías Rispau; y los documentales Noh, coproducción realizada entre Argentina, Japón y Alemania dirigida por Marco Canale, Juan Fernández Gebauer e Ignacio Ragone, sobre una obra de teatro escrita por Marco Canale, protagonizada por un elenco japonés (Mención Especial del Jurado a Mejor Largometraje de la Competencia Argentina del Festival Internacional de Cine de Mar del Plata, 2021); y El vaivén de las escuelas, realizado por Martín Ferrari. Por Nito Marsiglio.

El corto programado para esta semana es Escuela rural, realizado, escrito y producido por Joaquín Lucesoli, que será exhibido en programa doble junto al documental El vaivén de las escuelas.

El corto fue el ganador del Premio a la Mejor Animación en el XXXI Concurso Nacional de Cine Independiente de Cipoletti, Rio Negro, 2015; y del Premio INCAA TV en el 12º Festival Cortos Penca, San Juan, 2017.


Desde el martes 4 de julio, la plataforma de video a demanda renueva la sección de Novedades con los largometrajes Hijas de la comedia (Argentina – 2022 – 63 min – ATP), de Victoria Carreras; La vida dormida (Argentina – 2021 – 75 min – ATP), de Natalia Labaké; Ojos de arena (Argentina – 2021 – 92 min – SAM 13), de Alejandra Marino; El fulgor (Argentina – 2022 – 65 min – SAM 13), de Martín Farina; y los cortometrajes Emma (Argentina) de Claudia Alba Bracco y La vida en vida (Argentina), de Fernando Guerrero.

El jueves 6, CINE.AR PLAY estrena los largometrajes Herbaria (Argentina – 2022 – 83 min – ATP), de Leandro Listorti; y Bajo la corteza (Argentina – 2022 – 82 min – SAM 13), de Martín Heredia Troncoso.

7 de julio: CORTOS ENERC

CINE.AR PLAY y CINE.AR TV exhibirán en su programación de ese día una selección de cortometrajes compuesta por las tesis realizadas por alumnos y alumnas de la Escuela Nacional de Experimentación y Realización Cinematográfica (ENERC). En la señal de cable, a las 22 horas; y en la plataforma, disponible todo el día.

Una receta familiar, de Lucía Paz

Siesta, de David Chacón

Apnea, de Inés Puente Iturralde

1002, de Esteban Wolfenson

El hijo del pueblo, de Jacinta Bonaiuto

Esta herida cuando no cicatriza se vuelve piedra, de Nicolás Turjanski

Isabel, de Lisa Mena

Imilla, de Mayra Arasy Nieva


Desde el jueves 6 al miércoles 12 de julio

Sala María Luisa Bemberg

20 horas


Argentina – Drama/Suspenso – 2022 – 260 min (Parte 1: 128 min/Parte 2: 132 min) – SAM 13

Dirección: Laura Citarella

Guion: Laura Citarella, Laura Paredes

Producción: Ingrid Pokropek, Ezequiel Pierri

Compañías productoras: El Pampero Cine, Grandfilm

Dirección de fotografía: Agustín Mendilaharzu, Inés Duacastella, Yarará Rodríguez

Elenco: Laura Paredes, Ezequiel Pierri, Rafael Spregelburd, Cecilia Rainero, Juliana Muras, Elisa Carricajo, Verónica Llinás

Sala Fernando Birri

18:30 horas


Argentina/Japón/Alemania – Documental/Teatro – 2022 – 72 min – SAM13

Dirección: Marco Canale, Juan Fernández Gebauer, Ignacio Ragone

Guion: Marco Canale

Producción: Marco Canale

Coproducción: Juan Fernández Gebauer, Ignacio Ragone, Giorgina Mesiano

Compañía productora: La velocidad de la luz, Criatura, Vaskim Cine

Dirección de fotografía: Juan Fernández Gebauer

Con intervenciones de: Fuji Mikage (Chiyoko), Yoko Imanaka (Yoko), Marco Canale (Marco),

Yasuhiko Terada (Akira)

Programa Doble

20:15 horas


Argentina – Corto/Documental – 2018 – 9 min – ATP

Dirección: Joaquín Lucesoli

Guion: Joaquín Lucesoli

Producción: Joaquín Lucesoli

Compañías productoras: Maipú Cine

Dirección de fotografía: Joaquín Lucesoli


Argentina – Documental – 2023 – 74 min – ATP CL

Dirección: Martín Ferrari

Guion: Martín Ferrari, Carlos Skliar

Producción: Martín Ferrari, Carlos Skliar

Fotografía: Bruno Scarponi

Música original: Julián Polito

Con entrevistas a: Dante Ibáñez, Silvina Fernández, Diana Romero, Valentina Gallo, Andrea Biscioni, Pablo Guardia

14 y 22 horas


Argentina – Ciencia ficción/Fantástico – 2023 – 104 min – SAM 13

Dirección: Matías Rispau

Guion: Matías Rispau, Boris C.Q.

Producción: Matías Rispau

Compañías productoras: Brainstorming Films

Dirección de fotografía: Matías Rispau, Juan Facundo López

Elenco: Martín Rispau, German Baudino, Chucho Fernández, Demián Salomón, Jorge Javier Alagastino, Paula Brasca

1 thought on “INCAA anunció la renovación de sus pantallas en la primera semana de julio.

  1. How To Get A Better Jawline: Exercises And Tips

    Effective Workouts & Beauty Tips

    # How to Get a Better Jawline: Exercises and

    Achieving a well-defined jawline is a goal many strive for.
    Whether through diet, exercise, or cosmetic interventions, enhancing your
    jawline can significantly boost your facial symmetry and confidence.

    This article delves into effective strategies, exercises, and lifestyle changes to help you achieve that chiseled look.

    ## Seconds Summary of How to Achieve a Chiseled Jaw

    In as little as 12 weeks, with consistent effort, you can develop a sharper jawline.
    Focus on targeted exercises, proper posture,
    and a balanced diet to see noticeable results.

    ## What Does it Take to Actually Gain a Sharper Jawline?

    A sharp jawline requires more than just genetics. Consistency in exercise, a
    reduced sodium intake, adequate sleep, and stress
    management are key factors.

    ## Sculpt Your Jawline: Exercises & Mewing.coach App

    Begin with essential exercises like the mewing technique, where proper tongue posture is crucial.
    Utilize apps like Mewing.coach for guidance and personalized routines.

    ## Tailored Exercise Plan

    Develop a 3-day routine incorporating Chin-Ups,
    Neck Curls, Jaw Clenching, Fish Face Exercises, Lion’s Breath, and Tongue Twisters to target all areas
    of the jawline.

    ## Visual Progress Tracker

    Monitor your progress by taking before-and-after photos. This visual cue can motivate you to stay committed to your goals.

    ## Maximize Definition: Jaw Exercisers & Lifestyle

    Incorporate jaw exercisers, practice the mouthwash technique, chew hard gum, and maintain a
    balanced diet. Stress management techniques like meditation can aid in reducing cortisol levels.

    ## Effective Combination Routine

    Combine exercises with lifestyle changes for optimal results.
    Consistency is key to achieving your desired jawline.

    ## Success Showcase

    Transformations from dedicated individuals highlight the effectiveness of these methods.
    Their journeys serve as inspiration for others on their own paths to a defined jawline.

    ## Nighttime Enhancement: Mouth Tape, Mouthpiece, and Night Guards

    Use nighttime tools like mouth tapes or mouthpieces to enhance your
    jawline while you sleep, aiding in muscle toning.

    ## Transformative Nights Results

    Noticeable changes can be seen with consistent nighttime use of
    enhancement tools, contributing to a more defined jawline.

    ## Comprehensive Approach: Advanced Treatments & Facial

    Explore surgical options such as liposuction or chin implants.
    Incorporate facial massages to aid in contouring and reducing puffiness.

    ## Advanced Enhancement Strategy

    Advanced exercises target deeper muscles, considering genetic factors that may influence your results.

    ## Jawline Exercises

    Engage in specific exercises like mewing, Chin-Ups, Neck Curls, Jaw Clenching,
    Fish Face, Lion’s Breath, and Tongue Twisters to tone your jawline.

    ## Mewing – Proper Tongue Posture Technique

    Master the mewing technique by keeping your tongue against the roof
    of your mouth. This posture tones facial muscles and contributes to a sharper jawline.

    ## Chin-Ups – Engages Jawline Muscles

    Perform chin-ups using an overhand grip, focusing on controlled movements that engage jawline muscles.

    ## Neck Curls – Strengthens Front Neck Muscles

    Target front neck muscles with neck curls, varying the weights to build strength and definition.

    ## Jaw Clenching – Tones the Jaw Muscles

    Clench your jaw for 5-10 seconds several times daily to tone jaw muscles, aiming for 3-4 sets per session.

    ## Fish Face Exercises – Targets Facial and Jawline

    Inhale through your nose and push your cheeks upwards, holding for 5 seconds to engage facial and jawline muscles.

    ## Lion’s Breath – Yoga Technique for Facial Muscles

    Exhale forcefully while sitting back on your heels, thrusting your
    chest forward to engage facial muscles.

    ## Mouthwash Technique – Tones the Jawline
    and Chin Area

    Use a peppermint-flavored mouthwash twice daily to stimulate blood flow and toning effects.

    ## Smile Exercises – Engages Multiple Facial Muscles

    Practice puffing your cheeks and lifting the sides of your mouth to engage facial muscles,
    including those in the jawline.

    ## Tongue Twisters

    Engage in tongue twisters like “rhythm” or “shipshape”
    to tone and lift facial muscles, contributing to a sharper jawline.

    ## Before & After Jawline Exercises Transformations

    Descriptions of transformations illustrate
    the impact of consistent exercise and lifestyle changes on achieving a defined jawline.

    ## Jaw Exercisers and Enhancers

    Choose from various options like chew toys, resistance bands, or electric
    stimulators tailored to your needs.

    ## Chewing Hard Gum

    Select high-quality gum that challenges your jaw muscles, aiding in toning and definition.

    ## Most Effective Types of Gums

    Gums with firm textures that require significant chewing are most effective for
    jawline toning.

    ## Jawline Chew Toys

    Explore options like textured chew toys designed to engage the jaw muscles effectively.

    ## Facial Resistance Bands

    Use bands with handles or anchors for exercises targeting
    facial and neck muscles, providing resistance training.

    ## Jawline Shaping Masks

    Apply masks designed to contour the jawline by using pressure, aiding in toning and shaping the area.

    ## Custom-fit Jaw Exercisers

    Invest in custom-fit devices that provide targeted resistance,
    enhancing muscle definition.

    ## Electric Jawline Stimulators

    Utilize electric devices with adjustable settings
    to tone muscles effectively and safely.

    ## Lifestyle Changes

    Adopt a balanced diet rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals to support facial
    muscle growth. Engage in regular exercise and maintain adequate
    sleep for optimal results.

    ## Regular Exercise – Your Workout Guide

    Include exercises like squats, push-ups, and core work in your routine to enhance overall fitness, contributing to a sharper jawline.

    ## Adequate Sleep – Your Sleep Routine

    Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep nightly to allow muscles
    to recover and grow, promoting facial definition.

    ## Reduced Sodium Intake

    Limit sodium intake to reduce water retention,
    contributing to a more defined jawline.

    ## Stress Management – Your Stress-Relief Plan

    Practice meditation, yoga, or deep breathing to manage stress hormones that can affect muscle development.

    ## Facial Massage – Routine for Definition

    Perform gentle facial massages using circular motions to improve blood circulation and contour the jawline

    ## Surgical Intervention

    Consider advanced treatments like liposuction, chin implants, or genioplasty if natural methods are insufficient.

    ## Cosmetic Enhancements

    Explore non-surgical options such as Botox, dermal fillers, or contouring makeup for a subtle enhancement.

    ## Psychological Aspects – Positive Self-Image Practices

    Develop positive self-image practices to build confidence in your
    facial changes.

    ## Innovative Tech Solutions

    Use AI-driven apps, VR games, and wearable devices for
    interactive jaw exercises that enhance muscle engagement.

    ## Facial Anatomy and Genetics

    Understand genetic factors influencing jawline development to set realistic expectations.

    ## Long-term Care – Maintenance Tips

    Maintain your jawline with consistent exercise, proper diet, and skincare to preserve your results over time.

    ## Common Misconceptions

    Address myths like the role of genetics in jaw definition, ensuring readers understand achievable goals.

    ## Safety Considerations – Health Risks

    Be aware of potential risks with treatments, such as scarring from surgery or muscle damage from excessive stimulation.

    ## FAQ – Your Jawline, Your Masterpiece

    Answer common questions about exercises, tools, and treatments to provide comprehensive guidance.

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